Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Week of 2/8

CVS Order #1
Gillette Fusion Power Gamer Razor - $7.99
Used a $4 coupon and a $2.49 ECB.
Paid $1.89 oop and got back $4 in ECB.

Order #2 at CVS
Benefiber - $8.99
Gillette Fusion Gamer - $7.99
Used a $3 CVS Benefiber CRT, $2 Benefiber coupon, $4 fusion coupon.
Used $5 and $2.49 ECB. Paid .76 oop.
Got back $4 for the fusion and $3 for the benefiber.

Next is riteaid.
ultramini - $19.99
Durex 2/1 massage lube - $6.00
Garnier hairspray - $2.99
Planters peanut - $4.99

Used a $5/25 rite aid coupon, $19.99 ultra mini coupon, $4.99 planters coupon, $2 durex coupon, and $1 on garnier styling product.
Paid $1.77 oop and will be getting back $9.99 in rebates! $6 for the durex, $2.99 for the garnier, and $1 for the peanuts.

Next is Walgreens.
2 - neturaair - $5.99 (used a raincheck)
1 - ventair refill - $2.49
2 - Drano - $3.50 each
1 - venus razor - $8.99
2 - windex wipes - $2.50
10 - oust - $3.99 (BOGO used a raincheck)

Used the following coupons
5 - BOGO coupons on oust
2 - $1.50 coupons on windex
2 - $1.50 coupons on drano
1 - $4 coupon on venus razor
1 - $2.49 coupon on ventair (free coupon)
2 - $5 coupon on the netura air

Paid $18.85 oop. Got back $6 in RR. Will get back the ESR, $4 for the cleaning supplies, $4 for the oust. Will send off for $2.50 for a mail in rebate on the windex wipes.
So it only cost me .... $2.35 for everything above.

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