Monday, February 2, 2009

Feb 1st!

My cvs run yesterday....

Order #1 -
6 - glade oil candle refill - $2.50 each
2 - glade candles - $2.50 each
2 - Valentine's day candy card kit - $3.49 each
1 - excedrin - $2.49

Total before coupons is $29.47

Used a $4/20 CVS coupon
$1 off any excedrin CVS coupon
2 - $2.50 off Oil candle refill
1 - Free glade candle coupon.
1 - free Valentine's day card kit - CVS BOGO sale

used an $12 ECB and paid $1.43 oop.
Got back $10 in glade and $2.49 for excedrin ECBs.

Order #2

4 - Loreal Revitalift - $5.99 each
1 - CVS aspirin - $1.99

Total before coupons was $ 25.95

used a $3/15 CVS coupon
4 - $2 off loreal product.
and a $15 ECB. Total oop was .51 cents. Got back $20 for the Loreal, and $1.99 for the aspirin.

Order #3
8 - glade oil candle refill - $2.50 each
1 - excedrin - $2.49

used a $4/20 CVS coupon.
2 - $2.50 glade oil coupon
2 - $1 glade oil coupon
Used an $9 ECB. Paid $3.15 oop. Got back $10 in glade and $2.49 in excedrin ECBs.


Bliss said...

That's fabulous! And your house will smell great. I'm having a hard tim finding the Loreal towlettes... but hopefully before the end of the week I can!

Shop.Girl.Star said...

Woo! Way to go Nicole. I managed to find only two of the L'Oreal towlettes - that were misplaced on other shelves. I think people are starting to "hide" products the night before the sales begin. Crazy. Hopefully they restock mid-week. :P

Unknown said...

get a raincheck if you cannot find it.

Shop.Girl.Star said...

Of course I'll get a raincheck. But they won't give them out until the end of the week after their truck comes. Which is lame...but I get that excuse everytime! :P

Unknown said...

that's weird... i can get it on Sunday if they don't have it. But they also tell me to check back later in the week but they hardly get them in on truck until the following week or so. I hate it! stock up CVS!