Sunday, October 12, 2008

Rite Aid Week of 10/12

I went to riteaid this morning because they have 30 FAR!! Its all meds but its a great deal!

Order #1
Sucrets complete - $2.99
Paid $3.20 OOP

Order #2
Orajel Cold Sore - $6.99
Paid $7.48 OOP

Order #3
Chapstick Shimmer - $1.99
Paid $2.13 OOP

Order #4
Electrasol - $3.99
Herbal Essence - $3 x 2
Theraflu Warming - $3.99
Trimanic Vapor - $3.99
Softlips - $2.99
Cherry Chest Rub - $2.99
Little Cold Cough - $3.99
Choloraseptic Spray - $2.99
Lypmoisturizer - $1.99
Child Throat Cooler - $2.99
Simply Saline - $3.99
Bee MD - $2.49
Nex Cold Sore - $ $8.99
Child's Advil - $3.99
Excedrin - $3.99

Used the following coupons
.35 Electrsol
$1 Simply Saline
$1 Children's Advil
$2 Trimanic Vapor
$3 Herbal Essence
$2 (for another coupon but I cannot remember what)

Used a $48.62 Rite aid Single Check for the rebates i did last month.
Paid 5.55 OOP

Will get back 61.34 in SCR plus will send off for mail in rebates from the manufactor for a total of $14.48 so profit of $75.82

This is what I got gas at yesterday in Barnesville $2.89 a gallon!

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